Using your bands
This page shows the various screens visible on the TwoCan bands.
Last updated
This page shows the various screens visible on the TwoCan bands.
Last updated
Syncing of your band's data is attempted automatically, every time you open the TwoCan app. We recommend opening the app every day. See: Synchronizing your bands for more details.
Users with hemiplegia may feel the device vibrate from time to time, after the initial 2 week wearing period. You may also hear it "buzz" when this happens. This sensation is to prompt you to use your hand and arm more in everyday activities. The devices are programmed to help you achieve your activity goal. Once you have reached your activity goal the band will stop prompting you. Please contact the team if these prompts are annoying or uncomfortable.
Please note, if you are a buddy, you won't receive any prompts.
The screens have been made deliberately difficult to accidentally trigger in order to preserve battery life. Hold the screen flat (e.g. so that the screen is facing the ceiling). Then lightly press the centre of the screen for around half of a second, which is about the time it takes to say “TwoCan”! If you have difficulty with this please contact the team.
Blank Screen + flashing White LED light
Low Power - Your device needs to be charged. Don't worry your data will still be there but you need to plug the device.
Toucan Symbol (L)
This is the default screen for the device and displays the date, time and battery. The "L" next to the toucan icon, denotes that this band is for the "Left' hand.
Toucan Symbol (R) + syncing
This is the default screen for the device and displays the date, time and battery. The "R" next to the toucan icon, denotes that this band is for the "Right' hand. The Bluetooth icon will be visible next to the battery when the device is syncing with your phone.